The Smiley Township planning process:

1) Defined a set of development principles which are intended to reflect the values of township residents.

2) Examined development issues currently facing the township.

3) Established development policies to guide township development in the manner most suitable to the residents’ wishes.

The Plan recognizes agriculture as the primary land use in the Township and makes provisions to welcome other residents, occupations, and uses. The following is a summary of the development policies which are more fully defined on page 17:

A) Development Policies

1. Support and encourage agriculture as the primary land use in the Township.

2. Support and encourage non-farm residents as a key part of the Township’s population.

3. Support the use of natural resources in a manner which will protect the resource for agricultural and recreational purposes.

4. Make provisions for industry and business which may choose to locate in the Township.

5. Maintain a strong voice in important locational decisions which have the potential of affecting nearby properties.

6. Require adequate space to prevent land use conflicts and to preserve the rights of all landowners to use their property without the interference of unnecessary regulations or inconsiderate neighbors.

The policies are intended to address the changing nature of agriculture, the influence of job growth in the Thief River Falls areas, and the desirability of maintaining the high quality living and working conditions residents now enjoy.

The policy directions in this plan are the base for more detailed land use regulations in the Smiley Township Zoning Ordinance and are also used to guide the expenditure of Township funds for the maintenance of roads, drainage, and other public facilities.