1. Township, County and TRF Population

The knowledge of an area’s population characteristics is an essential component of the planning process. By analyzing population census data, it is possible to estimate future land use patterns, housing demands, economic development trends, and the need for future community facilities.

Townships near Thief River Falls exhibit a differing set of growth patterns than other townships in the county. Examples include years of steady decline in most townships followed by dramatic increases in Rocksbury, Smiley, Sanders, and Norden Townships. Growth is mainly taking place nearest Thief River Falls, due to workforce needs at Digi-Key, Arctic Cat and several other companies.

2. Township Housing

For the most part, housing in Smiley Township is relatively newer with approximately 75% of housing built after 1970. Most of the housing uses natural or propane gas, fuel oil, or electricity for heat.

The number of persons per housing unit in the township has decreased since 1970, which is fairly typical of most areas of the nation. This change has not been as dramatic in Smiley as in the rest of the county. The number of persons per household in the township (2.78) is somewhat higher compared to the county and to Northwest Minnesota.